Saturday 6 December 2014

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Attachment to the other side of the line I to Seven halves my card. The digital divide will be demolished! The UN believe that closing the digital divide is a way in developing countries to fight poverty and bring prosperity. They have a special Working Group on Information and Communication Technology see logo below was founded.

They want that axis Eventually many people in developing countries with a telephone, have a computer and internet access as in rich countries. Once it in so far as is, people in developing countries benefit as much from the phone legs That fits in your pocket and to reach the world. Allows people just as easily come to useful information when, we are in a rich country like Netherlands are accustomed.

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Camera in a mobile not compete with other cameras on quality. Chapter6 Communications network It is the social and communicative properties of the cell phone that we believe are central to examine in the analysis recharge api free of these media and a concept.

Which aims to facilitate the location-based communications. In addition, it is also Reinhold's recharge api free view that it is the way you are going, especially recharge energy pills with the spread of the mobile Internet.

Prerequisites acceptance of a concept

There will, however, from the results of our concept test, probably not occur a curve that looks like Rogers curve for successful diversification. This is due to the fact that our test only course in a little less than a month. That is why we, if we indian recharge mobile give ourselves to draw a curve of our diversification, to lack one of Rogers four elements to successful diversification, namely time.

The five segments As mentioned Rogers divides a group of recharge api free five segments. The interaction between these segments are part of the explanation for why an innovation can achieve an epidemic spread. As mentioned Rogers puts emphasis on communication channels for the spread of an innovation.

A mass medium like television or radio could rapidly spread the word about innovation between many people. However, the mass media are not necessarily the most effective way to a recharge api free quick acceptance of an indian recharge mobile concept of the individual. Rogers committed to a more without can be done through interpersonal channels between people who share equal socio-economic values.

Within a group, there are the aforementioned five segments, which segments the innovators and early adopters referred to as the two segments that have the power to start an interpersonal spread within a group. Innovators: Termed as the daring group that likes to be the cutting edge.

They are generally fascinated by the opportunities and results they think to the innovation can bring. The considerations innovator-segment gets when they take a new product in use is subsequently essential for other potential users choice.- Early Adopters: This group uses empirical data from innovator segment to make their own.

In this group are the majority of what is being termed as opinion leader: a group of people who are perceived as wise and judicious in their choice. If these opinion leaders in Early Adopters segment observe that innovation is being used effectively by the innovators, they will even use and encourage use. This recharge api free incentive will often be followed by the last three segments.

The government makes it possible for citizens attractive to private business to set up, for example, a recharge api free phone shop. Thus people financially independent and can took create jobs for others. Further, encourages the Government foreign phone companies to shops and offices to focus Morocco.

That is success. All in all, find more and more Moroccans thanks to mobile telephony a well-paid job. And All Those people recharge api free buy mobiles again! In, the Moroccan comes state broadcaster SRNT a novelty.

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The broadcast channel must go and will have to be called in a period recharge api free or get four years stature. The intent Is that people who can not have a TV recharge definition pay, yet TV broadcasts view for receiving the television,a5559414.html programs without having to pay. There's a budget of about fifty million euro to execute the plan.

But in, the credit crisis throws spanner in the works. More About, fear Existing public stations unfair competition. The Government HAS already issued a permit for the broadcast channel, but it will still be awhile recharge api free before Morocco everyone can free TV looking through the mobile phone.

But When The Time Comes, It provides even more opportunities especial took poor people and Those Who very remote attend world events move in is ghosts in Morocco. There plays the cellphone for this picture in handy. The buttons have an Ordinary and an Option.

The WTO and the Governments of the member countries of the WTO are important That more and more people use mobile phones. United Nations found That especial important for developing countries. In thesis countries, Fewer people a mobile phone use recharge api free than in rich countries.

Also, since Fewer people a land line, a computer and Internet access than in rich countries. These differences are together called the digital divide. This gap is trying to lift the UN.

They ask rich countries to help in bridging That gap. How is the digital divide created? In rich countries hit first established land line phones, then computers, internet and mobiles. In developing countries is recharge api free or at slower.

For fixed phones, computers and the Internet, you Usually need a cable connection and access to the mains. In rich countries, it is Usually available in developing countries or at not. In rich countries, most people recharge definition are rich enough to telephone, computer, internet and pay phone, in developing countries, many people are too poor for that.

Finally, it is kettle to use a computer and the Internet if you can not read and writing. In rich countries, most people can read and write, in developing countries many people can not. For example, the digital gap.

But especial When It Comes to mobile phones, the gap is narrowing. In Uganda the mobile phone to here is virtually unknown. In, seven in at Ugandans a cellphone.

Throughout Africa HAS around one in fifty people mobile, in. That One in three. The map of the International Telecommunications Union indicates how quickly the use of mobile phones in Africa Has Risen above. Mobiles are cheap. They can be used without connecting cable or power supply recharge definition so you can take them and use anywhere.

Judicious communication from the relevant

The rationale was that the social system and the communication channels were not optimal. Completely different was it with the French video text concept called Finite in the 1980s. It was a success, not because it was a superior innovation, but because there were inserted with a parts of a social system.

The way it was built a successful diversification was by indian recharge mobile handing out hundreds of thousands of Minute devices for users who can then figured by their use would encourage other users to use the same concept.

The subsequent rise Minister users' phone bills turn violent, as the use of Minutes was pulled over normal phone bill. This way to spread a concept was then considered as being incredibly expensive but can well today compared to when you can get a cell phone for a penny, if you then simultaneously creates a specific phone subscription.

Classification of members of the social systems An important consideration in the Rogers scattering theory is that indian recharge mobile for most members of a social system applies to their decision to take an innovation in use, are strongly dependent on other members' choice.

When we use the concept of indian recharge mobile social system, we choose to see it as any community can be incorporated. Section, this was described by the recharge api free metaphor strain.

A successful spread of an innovation, according to Rogers follow a uniform in baskets. After the first 10 to 25 percent of users have taken an innovation in use, the rest will soon follow. Finally, the curve leveling off again until the last skeptic start using the innovation.

The interesting thing about Rogers theory is how the users who take early innovation in service affects other users in the system. Rogers divides individuals into five segments separated by the different stages and ways in which they take a trend or innovation for themselves.

Rogers puts recipients depending on how sensitive they are in the distribution of an recharge api free innovation- that is, depending on how quick they are to adopt an innovation.

The percentages indicate the proportion of a user group the various subgroups form. The curve x-axis represents the time a segment adopts an innovation and the y-axis describes the percentage which segment represents the user group. Rogers sets out the five groups of segments in a curve, which is a derivative curve of the aforementioned s-curve.

The five segments that appear in an ordinary diffusion of innovation are designated: Innovators, Early recharge api free Adapters, Early Majority, Late Majority and Laggards. In connection with the testing of O-live concept we would be able to use a curve recharge api free as above. It will be possible for us to see where the spreading process we at any given time will find ourselves.

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Now has described some theoretical and empirical considerations about how concepts to facilitate location-specific communication fits into the digital culture as well as the recharge api free characteristics of the postmodern society.

These considerations have been used as inspiration and foundation in drawing and defining our own location-based communication concept O-live. We will describe in this section the reflections and considerations we think you should take in connection with the dispatch of a mobile, social software concept as O-live.

With that in mind, there are already present. Are hundreds of excellent social and mobile concepts that recharge fitness never achieves a critical mass of users, the reflection on the dissemination important not of offers. It is a fact that many innovations never achieves the Malcolm Caldwell calls the tipping point.

According to Gladwell defines the tipping point, as the time when the critical mass is achieved; In other words, the time spread of an innovation begins to look like a viral outbreak. The balance tips and a chain reaction starts whereby the idea behind the concept propagated as an infection that goes from user to user.

We will in this section reflect on how our concept as well as other mobile concepts should be based and dispatched to obtain a user success. Diffusion of innovations in general When discussing how new innovations or concepts spread and become operational within a specific group of users, the American professor of communications Everett Rogers in 1962 adopted a methodology for categorizing adoption or user acceptance.

The method has eventually evolved into a masterpiece. In his book The Diffusion of Innovations Rogers outlines how the spread recharge api free of an innovation or trend typically will take place. According to Rogers happening spread over time through various channels of communication among members of a social system.

These social systems could here be thought of as strains see. Section on communities in postmodern society. Rogers use of the term innovation.

He defines innovation as an object, a trend or an idea that is perceived as new by a specific group of users. Diffusion theory seeks to describe how an innovation accepted and put into use. When we implement this section naming a new concept, a service recharge fitness or an application, it must thus be seen as the Rogers defines as an innovation, and vice verse.

Fire spread elements There is, according to Rogers four key elements that are critical to the spread of recharge fitness an innovation recharge api free innovation, communication channels, time, and the social system. If one of these elements is not present in the spread, it will not achieve a successful diversification.

Rogers gives the example of how recharge fitness an effective cure for scurvy took several hundred years to spread recharge api free in the British navy.

Friday 5 December 2014

An important frame

Some descriptive under the concepts of Web 2.0 and Social Software can explain many of the choices we have made in the design of our project. The more normative acted as a kind of development dogma, as we have tried to relate to.

Clarification of these concepts will serve as of reference where we believe that the development of digital communication is headed and what we have been inspired by the work of our concept.

Social recharge api software is one of the basic elements of Web 2.0 thinking, and we will describe in this section. Social software is the term we will focus our biggest focus on, as it mainly deals with the social practices of the new Internet concepts, and not so much with the technologies that make them possible.

Complete ignore these technologies' nature is not possible since an understanding of these from time to time may be required. Much has been written about Social software, and there is thus a wide range of descriptions which in varying degrees.

Identifies our understanding of this recharge api Therefore, there is no consensus about what this concept involves. Therefore, we will establish our own range of characteristics from a collection of selected texts that focus recharge api on describing the subject.

Tim O'Reilly- What is Web 2.0 Tim O'Reilly is considered by many to be the father of the Web 2.0 concept, since he was the first to name it that.

We have therefore chosen to base his text What Is Web 2.0 from 2005. Here he seeks closer to explain the concept by establishing a number of applications, services and websites from the 90s web what he calls Web 1.0 of for a number of existing successful services. He tries to show the development he claims has occurred.

He points initially that there was a technical evolution, but rather than new way of thinking and apply software. According to O'Reilly Web 2.0 is all about creating an Architecture of participation that can support and exploit users' collective knowledge.

How this knowledge more accurately be understood and can be used, we will return to in the section on The, which is a book that explains James perception of the crowd qualities.

The described out to more people who use a service, the better it becomes. This is the case with BitTorrent technology where all users act as recharge api servers for a given file when they download it.

Cooperation is according to O'Reilly one of the cornerstones of social software. In Web 1.0, it was mainly designers who created the who created the content.