Saturday 6 December 2014

To drown in the amount

Now has described some theoretical and empirical considerations about how concepts to facilitate location-specific communication fits into the digital culture as well as the recharge api free characteristics of the postmodern society.

These considerations have been used as inspiration and foundation in drawing and defining our own location-based communication concept O-live. We will describe in this section the reflections and considerations we think you should take in connection with the dispatch of a mobile, social software concept as O-live.

With that in mind, there are already present. Are hundreds of excellent social and mobile concepts that recharge fitness never achieves a critical mass of users, the reflection on the dissemination important not of offers. It is a fact that many innovations never achieves the Malcolm Caldwell calls the tipping point.

According to Gladwell defines the tipping point, as the time when the critical mass is achieved; In other words, the time spread of an innovation begins to look like a viral outbreak. The balance tips and a chain reaction starts whereby the idea behind the concept propagated as an infection that goes from user to user.

We will in this section reflect on how our concept as well as other mobile concepts should be based and dispatched to obtain a user success. Diffusion of innovations in general When discussing how new innovations or concepts spread and become operational within a specific group of users, the American professor of communications Everett Rogers in 1962 adopted a methodology for categorizing adoption or user acceptance.

The method has eventually evolved into a masterpiece. In his book The Diffusion of Innovations Rogers outlines how the spread recharge api free of an innovation or trend typically will take place. According to Rogers happening spread over time through various channels of communication among members of a social system.

These social systems could here be thought of as strains see. Section on communities in postmodern society. Rogers use of the term innovation.

He defines innovation as an object, a trend or an idea that is perceived as new by a specific group of users. Diffusion theory seeks to describe how an innovation accepted and put into use. When we implement this section naming a new concept, a service recharge fitness or an application, it must thus be seen as the Rogers defines as an innovation, and vice verse.

Fire spread elements There is, according to Rogers four key elements that are critical to the spread of recharge fitness an innovation recharge api free innovation, communication channels, time, and the social system. If one of these elements is not present in the spread, it will not achieve a successful diversification.

Rogers gives the example of how recharge fitness an effective cure for scurvy took several hundred years to spread recharge api free in the British navy.

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