Saturday 6 December 2014

Have a striking resemblance

Here he tries to show how, in large groups of people is a very large knowledge resource, which under the right circumstances can be expressed. The recharge api free interesting part of this thesis is the nature of the circumstances and they to the character of the Smart Mob communities which Reinhold describes. The cites three conditions that must be met to release the wisdom of crowds.

The real key, it turns out, is not so much perfecting beset method, but satisfying diversity, independence, and decentralization- at a group needs some smart. The first criterion that must be met for you to speak about the wisdom of crowds, is about diversity. It's simply about the multiple bids being given to recharge airtel recharge api free prepaid solving a problem, the greater the chance that one of these bids is right.

He recharge airtel prepaid exemplifies this by the way bees find flowers nectar. This is done by a lot of bees fly out in different directions. Then they return home, and communicate how much recharge api free they have found.

Many bees follow them have taken much and fewer follow them there has been little. In this way exploit bees optimally the area they are in, without having a proper rational understanding of why, in addition to the overall intelligence and experience they possess. Although a group of people act the same, it does not mean that the individual is necessarily had the same motives as the others in the group.

Our reflection on why people act as they do in communities will be discussed in more detail in the section Michel. The next criterion deals with independence. This is important to ensure that any failure of a single individual is not going to undermine the group's overall judgment.

This may occur if, for example. A leader type makes a proposal that contains an error. If the other members of the group mimics proposal, his or her fault assumption be common to many responses.

Finally, the last criterion decentralization recharge api free which in fact also covers specialization. In a decentralized group recharge airtel prepaid is a greater chance that members are more specialized, making the group's collective knowledge far greater. The obvious example of decentralization forces does not provide is which is an on-line encyclopedia where all articles are written by the users.

This system utilizes recharge api free precisely that group members are specialized in relatively narrow subject areas. Are these three conditions met, it claims that the group will be wiser than even the smartest of the group. The argument is that everyone in the group possess a greater or lesser amount of information on a given topic.

If to be asked a question on this topic, all members of recharge api free the group, on condition that the three circumstances mentions in the quote are met, so to speak, put the specific information they have in the common pool.

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