Tuesday 9 December 2014

Conditions for corporate clients

The provision of electronic communications networks and services, paragraph of the Order. The parties to this agreement for the supply and operation of the service is the http://www.gossamer-threads.com/forum/members/nitahedley customer (subscriber) and TDC. Customer is totally responsible for compliance with the conditions.

Service may not be available recharge ipad or used for handling traffic for other than the customer or his household/ business or any user. Customer is liable for payment for the services provided under the agreement, even in cases where http://www.cplusplus.com/user/deirdreelijah/ registered a separate pay/ collection address or a separate user/ installation address, see., which is different from the client/ customer's address. The customer is liable even in cases where recharge api provider the use of subscription left to others.

Registration of customer and address information the customer is a private customer or a sole proprietorship (corporate), the customer by contractual provide TDC information about the customer's name and address (registered address) and any email address. Sole must also specify the http://www.projectnoah.org/users/grantfitzgerald registration number. TDC may also require disclosure of social security number to use for validation of the Customer information.

Only persons of age may enter into an agreement with TDC. If the customer is a legal person/ company (corporate), the customer by contractual http://www.gnsi.org/forum/general-discussion/leica-zoom-2000-stereo-microscope#comment-1657 provide TDC s name, address (home address), corporate form and CVR recharge api provider number and possibly e-mail address. If the customer is the corporate and not resident in Denmark, the customer must inform an applicable registration number corresponding to the registration number.

By small businesses' understood in these terms business http://deltafarmpress.com/users/williamoprah customers who are sole traders or legal persons recharge ipad with employee or a total bill amount per. Year of less than. VAT.

Unless otherwise stated, the special also for small business customers. The customer must also provide any separate address to which payment receipts, order confirmations and other communications regarding the contract to be sent. For services http://earlywritings.com/forum/search.php?author_id=5554&sr=posts with fixed installation, recharge ipad the customer must also indicate any separate installation addresses (customer's secondary residence or a registered user address).

The customer for TDC's recharge api provider request documenting their accuracy. TDC may require proof of residence and/ or photo is shown, if deemed http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/en/player/1001247727829 necessary. The information and recharge api provider TDC's records of which form the basis of the agreement, up to the amendments thereto.

When changing customer information, including address http://www.beatthegmat.com/member/304473/profile and e-mail address, the customer shall recharge api provider promptly give TDC notice. TDC's letters to customer demands for payment, order confirmations and other communications regarding the contract is sent to the customer by mail.

If TDC receives letters returned due to customer recharge ipad relationship (Because the customer fails to comply with the Postal Code rules on the mailbox, or because the customer https://www.drupal.org/user/3110291 has submitted false information), TDC is entitled to charge a fee for of the letter possibly via registered mail.

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