Wednesday 10 December 2014

Other forms of communication

The customer is obliged not to exercise harassment TDC or TDC's employees. The customer must ensure that the equipment (terminal equipment, computers) that connects to TDC's public telecommunications network is CE marked in accordance with the Act on recharge api provider radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment, etc.

\At the same time, the customer must ensure that the device is intended to be connected to TDC's public telecommunications networks and services and that the equipment is used for its intended purpose.

Where equipment or internal networks (telecommunications networks for their own use, see. Section. Extra phone jack), which is connected or used in connection with TDC's public mobile recharge machine telecommunications network causes disruptions in telecommunication networks due to errors or similar equipment or the internal network, the customer is obliged to immediately disconnect.

Numbering TDC grants customer mobile recharge machine a phone number, circuit number or other form of identification for each connection to the service. TDC is in exceptional circumstances may, without liability to change the number, if it is required for technical or operational reasons. The customer is informed recharge api provider of the change with the longest possible notice.

Number Changing upon customer request can usually take place. TDC mobile recharge machine is entitled to charge separately for this. TDC may charge extra payment for the allocation of phone numbers.

By subscribing to recharge api provider telephone services customer fee conclude an agreement on the allocation of a number series. Assigned number series for the use of telephone services shall be terminated assembled and can not be divided into individual songs. Number porting By subscribing to telephone services, TDC can offer the customer to get transferred and assigned to the same phone number as the customer has used at the customer's provider (number porting imports).

If the customer orders number porting import, the termination of the customer's contract with the previous provider and request for number porting done via TDC. TDC is entitled to charge for number porting imports. If the customer orders number porting import.

TDC forwards an order confirmation thereof to the customer, where the date of implementation of number porting is clear: If the customer orders number porting import without specifying a desired date, implemented number porting earlier than the expiry of the customer's termination and/ or fixation of the customer previous provider.

If the customer orders number porting and indicates a desired date (number porting imports desire date), implemented number porting on the desired date or as soon as possible thereafter.

A number porting with desired date can no sooner be implemented recharge api provider by the end of the next working day after the customer's request for number porting has reached the customer's existing provider through TDC. TDC offers no sooner imports desire date per.

December. If the customer orders number porting imports desire date, and desire date is before the end of the customer's agreement with the customer's existing provider, the customer must be aware that the customer's current provider is entitled to recharge api provider charge for the remainder of the customer termination and/ or fixation of the customer's current provider.

Take appropriate measures

TDC owns the connecting equipment. Upon termination or if the equipment is defective, TDC require the customer returns the recharge api provider device to TDC. If the customer does not return the equipment, TDC is entitled to charge for the equipment.

Customer agrees to provide any mobile recharge logo necessary electricity supply to use for connecting the equipment and its operation. Any costs for these rests with the customer. If the customer chooses the service delivered through the customer's internal network telecommunications networks for their own use, see., TDC is not liable for interference in the operation of the service, due to defects in the customer's internal network.

This also applies in cases where the customer's internal network is recharge api provider connected between the cable termination point, see. Section., and the NTP/ connection equipment. TDC's installation of connection equipment includes setup and connection of the equipment, but no structural change, electrical installations and possibly air conditioning.

Business customers must equip the premises where the connection equipment must be drawn up in recharge api provider accordance with the guidelines provided by TDC sets. Setup and install any router does not connect the router to the customer's equipment and internal networks.

Ownership and responsibility for TDC's equipment and installations Customer may not dispose of (sell, lease, pledge, etc.) TDC's equipment and recharge api provider installations, and should not interfere with these.

Customer may include not affect the TDC's outdoor splinters and cable termination point, see. The customer is liable under Danish law concerning compensation for damage to TDC's equipment and installations at the installation site, which under- or someone the customer has responsibility business is causing.

For TDC's equipment and installations at the installation site customer bears also the risk of theft, loss and accidental damage, fire damage, water damage, lightning damage caused by surges in network and direct lightning strike. The customer must prove TDC's loss in those cases. If the customer is mobile recharge logo less corporate, see. Section.

A carry TDC However, the risk of accidental damage in the form of lightning damage as mobile recharge logo a result of the surge in the net. If the customer is a private customer, carrier TDC, however, the risk of accidental damage in the form of lightning damage caused by power surges in the network with respect to TDC's installations at the installation site. Customer's equipment and internal networks, customer use of service etc.

The customer must ensure that the connection to TDC's public telecommunications network used in a way that does not cause interference, interruptions or similar to traffic in the public recharge api provider telecommunications network. Event of such interruptions, etc.

The customer must such as regulating recharge api provider the amount of incoming and outgoing call traffic or subscribe to additional connections to TDC's public telecommunications network, or stop the behavior that causes the disturbance, etc.

Hidden conveyance and location

If the customer wants a different location of TDC's fixed installations cable termination point and/ or termination If the customer otherwise want a location of TDC's fixed mobile recharge login installations or wiring that differ from what is economically and technically appropriate (of cable termination point in wet areas), establishes the TDC if possible- this against separate payment.

If the recharge api provider customer later wishes placement and wiring of TDC's fixed installations changed, establish TDC on Effort this against separate payment. The customer should ensure that there is unimpeded access for TDC to install TDC's fixed installations and recharge api provider wiring.

TDC is not granted unfettered access to the agreed delivery date, see. Section., TDC is entitled to invoice the customer for the vain used time and driving. Any building repairs such as painting, plastering and wallpapering, or restores after building technical regulations is a necessary consequence of setting mobile recharge login up, dismantling or removal of TDC's installations, the customer must provide.

If the customer wants the establishment or connection of internal networks, TDC establishes this against separate payment. For internal networks means telecommunications network to the customer's own use at the installation site, including installations with more than one telecommunications connectors at the installation site, installation of cable termination point and the termination point/ connecting equipment, see. Section.

B, and installations by the NTP, Internal network can consist of both indoor and outdoor wiring. TDC has operating and debugging responsibility, see. For the public network and the cable termination point and the termination point and TDC's any connection equipment, see.

The customer has operating and debugging responsibility for any internal network. Network termination point (NTP) and connecting equipment termination point (NTP) is the physical interface that represents the customer's connection to TDC's services. TDC establishes a network termination at the recharge api provider installation site, and TDC is responsible for the operation of the service until this interface.

Customer connects his equipment (telecommunications terminal equipment, computer or other forms of communication), see. Section., to the NTP. The NTP might include a connector, and may coincide with the cable termination point, see.

The service requires connecting equipment, see. Below represents the mobile recharge login output jack in connection equipped network termination point. If the service recharge api provider requires interfacing, including (separating filter and/ or modem), routers and switches, set the TDC fee connecting the equipment at the customer.

The NTP and/ or possibly connected generally placed in proximity to the cable termination point, see. If the customer wants a different location, perform TDC- on Effort this against separate payment. If TDC provides multiple connections to the customer at the same installation address, and the recharge api provider customer uses connections for business purposes, install TDC only a single termination point for all connections.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The agreed timetable

Quality and service information about it for the time being of quality and service, including delivery times and fault repair times, can be obtained at TDC.

Delivery time Upon delivery of services under the agreement recharge iphone establishes TDC based on a detailed assessment of the scope of work, etc. a delivery time, as communicated to the recharge api provider customer in TDC's order confirmation or seen from for implementation.

The time of delivery shall be determined as far as possible by the customer. Delivery has occurred when the connection to the service is commissioned. TDC's equipment and stationary sources (telephone jack etc.) For services with fixed installation applies.

Fast installation and cable termination point at the installation site, TDC establishes a cable termination point (KAP), which represents the end point of TDC's public telecommunications network and service line. The fixed installation may further comprise a network termination, see. Termination Point and the network termination point may coincide.

Installation The address must be a usual address that represents- or registered user- housing, residence, employment or regular place of work. If the provision requiring the construction, TDC is entitled to recharge api provider demand payment of the lump sum benefits associated with the delivery (excavation, installation of connectors, technician visits, etc.).

Upon delivery of services via its public copper-based telecommunications network, if not already in the address is an available connection to TDC's public telecommunications network and TDC estimates that the cost of the establishment recharge api provider exceeds a certain amount, the delivery is made by promotion or by separate payment (delivery as per account) and subject to prior acceptance thereof by the customer.

The threshold appears from TDC's price lists on. If delivery is made by bill, the customer can request recharge iphone that a cost estimate before the customer's final order.

If the installation site is an unusual address (basically tents, caravans, portable cabins, berths (Power Points), fairgrounds or the like) or a technical installation (wind turbines, parking meters, well construction, pumps, monitoring and recording recharge api provider systems, antenna masts or similar), delivery and service after sale or after separate cost-related payment.

TDC determines the exact location of the cable termination point, taking into account recharge iphone connector cable position, any existing installation at the address and as far as possible by the customer.

TDC place as a starting point cable termination point at the cable entry in the;u=400724 customer's residential/ commercial activity. There is already installed a cable recharge api provider recharge iphone termination point at the address used this.

Conditions for corporate clients

The provision of electronic communications networks and services, paragraph of the Order. The parties to this agreement for the supply and operation of the service is the customer (subscriber) and TDC. Customer is totally responsible for compliance with the conditions.

Service may not be available recharge ipad or used for handling traffic for other than the customer or his household/ business or any user. Customer is liable for payment for the services provided under the agreement, even in cases where registered a separate pay/ collection address or a separate user/ installation address, see., which is different from the client/ customer's address. The customer is liable even in cases where recharge api provider the use of subscription left to others.

Registration of customer and address information the customer is a private customer or a sole proprietorship (corporate), the customer by contractual provide TDC information about the customer's name and address (registered address) and any email address. Sole must also specify the registration number. TDC may also require disclosure of social security number to use for validation of the Customer information.

Only persons of age may enter into an agreement with TDC. If the customer is a legal person/ company (corporate), the customer by contractual provide TDC s name, address (home address), corporate form and CVR recharge api provider number and possibly e-mail address. If the customer is the corporate and not resident in Denmark, the customer must inform an applicable registration number corresponding to the registration number.

By small businesses' understood in these terms business customers who are sole traders or legal persons recharge ipad with employee or a total bill amount per. Year of less than. VAT.

Unless otherwise stated, the special also for small business customers. The customer must also provide any separate address to which payment receipts, order confirmations and other communications regarding the contract to be sent. For services with fixed installation, recharge ipad the customer must also indicate any separate installation addresses (customer's secondary residence or a registered user address).

The customer for TDC's recharge api provider request documenting their accuracy. TDC may require proof of residence and/ or photo is shown, if deemed necessary. The information and recharge api provider TDC's records of which form the basis of the agreement, up to the amendments thereto.

When changing customer information, including address and e-mail address, the customer shall recharge api provider promptly give TDC notice. TDC's letters to customer demands for payment, order confirmations and other communications regarding the contract is sent to the customer by mail.

If TDC receives letters returned due to customer recharge ipad relationship (Because the customer fails to comply with the Postal Code rules on the mailbox, or because the customer has submitted false information), TDC is entitled to charge a fee for of the letter possibly via registered mail.

To enter into an agreement

The customer does not receive the messages as regular mail. TDC may freely choose to send messages to the customer by ordinary mail. For customers who enter into an agreement with TDC, or order changes to the recharge glow sticks agreement with TDC after July, TDC may require the customer with TDC on electronic communications.

If the customer does not want to agree on electronic communication- example, because recharge glow sticks the customer does not have Internet access from the customer's address, TDC is entitled to charge a monthly fee. For retail customers.

It is a prerequisite that the customer recharge api provider signs agreement with TDC on electronic communications. If the customer does not wish to enter into an agreement on electronic communications, TDC is entitled to charge a monthly fee for each customer subscriptions (telephone numbers and EM-numbers) that the customer has not signed up for electronic communications.

TDC sends the customer an order confirmation, where the recharge api provider agreed e-mail address is confirmed. Messages etc., The customer receives per. E-mail to the agreed e-mail address has the same legal effect with regard to including payment, acceptance and review periods as if they were received by regular mail.

The customer is responsible for regularly checking whether messages have been received from TDC to the agreed e-mail address. By changing the customer's e-mail address, the customer must immediately recharge api provider provide TDC notice. If transmission of messages can not be done at the agreed e-mail address, TDC is entitled to charge a fee for re transmission of the message by.

Ordinary Conditions governing the provision and operation of TDC's services in the customer. TDC thereafter consider relevant electronic communication withdrawn. Agreement on recharge api provider electronic communication does not include electronic bill.

Electronic bill requires separate agreement referred to. Right of cancellation for consumers If the customer is a private customer (consumer), the customer recharge glow sticks may cancel an order for days after receipt of order confirmation. This does not apply if the booking is made by attendance at TDC's business or from dealers of TDC's services.

If the customer when the order has expressly requested the delivery of the service/ supplementary service during the withdrawal period, and the customer in this regard has been informed of the right of withdrawal and the rates applicable to the subscription.

The customer shall be obligated to pay up taxes, user fees and subscription fees for the days when the subscription has been operating, whether the customer subsequently cancel the agreement. Variation of the tender notice for business customers For business customers waived of Executive Order no.

Present General Conditions

These general conditions apply to contracts for the provision and operation of TDC's telecommunications and data services (hereinafter services) offered by TDC A/ S (TDC). Such agreements are also called subscription. The terms for agreements on subscription to TDC's services are divided into three parts, all of which apply to the contract between the customer and TDC: The the general terms and conditions that apply to all subscription agreements.

Service Specific Subscription Conditions: the additional terms that apply to the service (Mobile), as subscription agreement. Additional Terms and Conditions: valid for the product (subscription form), chosen by the recharge api provider customer. There are also additional terms for certain additional services and discount agreements.

In the conflict between the terms apply to additional terms and conditions supersede service-specific subscription terms, which in turn precedes the present general conditions.

A contract for the provision and operation of the service (subscription) include the following: Establishment of one or more connections to the service. Ability to use the service with them at all times associated functions and facilities that belong recharge force rod to the subscription chosen by the customer.

Access to conclude an agreement for the provision of value added services, features and facilities (additional services). For services with fixed installation is a requirement of the subscription agreement, that it is technically possible to provide the service at the installation site.

Including the installation site is located within the geographical area covered by TDC's public telecommunications network with the appropriate technology. It appears from TDC's order confirmation and/ or of any separate written agreement between the customer and TDC recharge api provider what agreement.

The order confirmation sent to the customer by. mail or. Together with the order confirmation and/ or any written agreement, the customer receives the applicable conditions, prices and any product information.

Order Confirmation and/ or any separate agreement with terms and pricing basis of the agreement between the customer and TDC. Later order of services recharge api provider relating to the agreement can be made by contacting TDC, recharge force rod which sends a confirmation of the order to the customer. If registered a separate installation address, see.

The order confirmation to this. Electronic communication customer may enter into an agreement with recharge api provider TDC on electronic communication by which messages from TDC to the customer on the customer's agreements with TDC, sent via email to the email address that the customer has indicated meaning. Section.

Messages from TDC include order confirmations on recharge force rod subsequent orders and announcements regarding customer agreements with TDC, including early warning of significant changes to recharge api provider the rates and conditions referred to.

Primary purpose is to eliminate

I think that the next generations will be more ambitious. For them it does not seem to be about avoiding reading requirements and hide the fact that they are difficult to read and spell, but getting all the potentials and skills into play, said and continues.

That is why it is so important that the older generations grabs the phone, computer, or The pad, given the right IT tools and training on how they use them, recharge api provider as dyslexics remains an active part of Danish society and the Danish labour market, concludes Ride Nielsen.

Facts about IT tools We have developed a number of IT tools for different tasks, such as: Screen reading software that can read texts aloud as emails or websites.

A free program can be downloaded from Speech-to-text program for both smart phone and PC helps to translate one spoken text to written word. It speaks to a microphone and write it automatically on the screen. Spelling Programs that can help to recharge glory find the correct spelling.

While typing, are regularly presented recharge glory a series of words. If in doubt, you will be able to recharge api provider get the words read aloud. Example of this program is CD-ORD.

A reader wand can scan short texts and read them- for example menu It is possible to use a table scan, which transmit the text to the computer, then read aloud. For smart phones has developed tools that can scan a text and read it aloud. It is also possible to install the where one speaker and the converts the voice to text.

You can send text as SMS or email. Read more about IT tools on Facts about the Capital Dyslexics School The capital's Dyslexia School is a private institution in the East of Copenhagen in recharge api provider 1948. The school's and/ or reduce the impact of dyslexia recharge api provider include the provision of training for dyslexic adults of all ages and from all professions.

At the school employs 27 teachers/ consultants who all have a read pedagogical education primary dyslexia teacher and a bachelor's or master's degree. Nielsen has served as recharge glory principal at the school since 2003.

The labour market

It gives them many challenges, explains Ride Nielsen and continues: We know that it is unskilled, who drop out of in these years, and we know that the dyslexics have difficulty meeting recharge fitbit force the government's goal that 80 percent of communication between citizens, businesses recharge api provider and the public must be digital from 2015.

Dyslexics have not just trouble living up to labour market requirements and to get a foot in the labour market. They can not get in touch with the public.

Therefore, using Rice Nielsen and her colleagues IT tools in all their classes to make older learners familiar with using computers and IT tools available today. In the late 1990s began to redefine IT tools for IT tools. On recharge api provider the way there has been a value shift where IT tools are now helping to support the dyslexic in working actively with his dyslexia.

This thinking must be people in their 40s and 50s also have, said Nielsen. The challenge is that many dyslexics and people with spelling and reading difficulties often have bad memories about the educational and defeat with him in his luggage. Many dyslexics never found out what they had to use that knowledge as they got back in school, and how they could apply it in practice.

The code was never broken. So it is very important in our work that we are doing the teaching with IT tools for something practical, so students can see the benefit of working IT-based, says Nielsen.

Clarification of the tools' options The capital's Dyslexia School therefore spend much time teaching students in the use of IT tools, and together with each participant,a5568890.html clarifies school which tools that are relevant to student's work, education and daily life.

When the student experience that IT tools are helping to facilitate everyday literacy demands, the student often simultaneously motivated to sign recharge api provider up for dyslexics. It's not just enough to have presented the various IT tools. You must also have training in how to recharge fitbit force use them and when.

If a reading pen the right equipment for you, or you must have a reading program for your computer? And for which tasks do you use the tool during your working day? In this way, our teaching practical, technical and educational, says the director of the Capital recharge api provider Dyslexics School.

She stresses that IT tools today is a great success among the younger generations, confirming the importance of the tools are for the future. The young dyslexic's super trimmed.

They are the ones who come and tell you what my teachers can. By using IT to compensate for dyslexia, some of them may achieve an equally high recharge fitbit force professional level as other peers.

Community to do

One has to remember that talking about the individual approach to the community and not the individual approach to basic survival. One could easily argue that it is the same that tear communities broken when the ship, so to speak, is sinking and it's every man for himself. This is just not something but just the opposite recharge international mobile recharge api provider and therefore have no relevance in the context.

Errand, like ours, is to describe how communities are created and exist, and not how they are broken as in this 'sinking ship' example. A logical consequence of the approach to questions like: What do they get out of it? In which is in some meaningless. Pointless because you can explain any community as living out.

This is worth thinking about when you meet immediately meaningless communities such where the only are pictures of random objects placed on domestic cats. Technological development in the labour market, recent decades have increased requirements for employees' literacy and recharge international mobile IT skills. This puts the unskilled, dyslexic or people with reading and spelling challenges trapped.

They have a hard time living up to requirements while disappear their unskilled jobs. But with the use of IT tools can reverse this trend. Politicians objective that we should sell Denmark as a knowledge society, among other recharge api provider things helped to increase the reading requirements.

If Denmark is to be competitive in a localized society, it is not enough that we can perfect Danish. We must also be able to speak and write English. On the expense, we have a backlog of employees who can not live up to the new and higher requirements, states Die Nielsen, director of the Capital Dyslexics School.

It is therefore necessary that the dyslexic receive the proper training and knowledge of the available IT tools if they are to remain in employment recharge api provider and be an active part of society, adds Rice Nielsen.

Die Nielsen graduated in and has a background in the Ministry of Education before she in 2003 was hired as superintendent of the Capital Dyslexics School. IT tools make teaching concrete There is currently a sea of IT tools for people with reading and writing difficulties and dyslexia.

But in the context of their work looks Ride Nielsen and her recharge api provider colleagues a generation difference in who makes use of the tools. Back in the 1980s when the computer began its foray, it was the dyslexic worst enemy.

The required course that you could recharge international mobile read and write. This meant that most dyslexics avoided the computer. Today, the generation 40 plus, and many are yet to come with the bandwagon.

Describes as an undirected things

It is for us to see the same logical recharge api provider is doing with the concepts of vitalise and as a premise for community.

Flash mobbing recharge international mobile Communities arises on the basis of a basic social driving force of each individual. This thinking is each person depending on the collective in which he or she may be part of an organic whole.

The idea is very noticeable when dealing with social software and all the new Web 2.0 initiatives. Here one could also argue that what binds them together is a common driving force to enter into the organic whole. You can choose to focus on different areas of this organic whole.

It may be the desire to gather all the knowledge in the world of the user-driven recharge api provider events and happenings. Examples of how, in the wake of Web 2.0 are such concepts, for example. Flash mobbing, which now has been around a few years.

The concept is short, to unknown people start chain-SMS or chain-mail that encourages people to meet in a public place and in a short time performs an action that does not suit instead. A flash mob is a large group of people some assemble suddenly in a public place, performing an unusual action for a brief period.

Simply hurting disperse recharge api provider Flash mobbing has over time evolved as a phenomenon and have sometimes drawn several thousand people to individual happenings. The example below is from a flash mob where thousands of people simultaneously threw themselves into silent disco respectively Paddington Station and Liverpool Street Station.

The concept was simply out of the participants to dance and party in silence to the music from their MP3 players for5 minutes and then go their separate ways. Another example is the Danish 200. A recharge api provider concept which in short is to encounter and share content to a party.

The content sharing, can then recharge international mobile be either video, images, audio or other digital content. The idea is that all participants in the happening are equal, all are DJs, and all are guests. Therefore, all have a duty to entertain others and even be entertained.

The examples above have the community as a premise. Just as the language according to Wittgenstein can not be private, the social impetus either. As we mentioned in the last chapter, many argue that communities are based on mutual benefit and thus reminiscent of modern communities where an individual will only enter into a community where on one way or another is profitable to enter.

This denies not, but he argues that the fatalistic solidarity precedes recharge api provider the rational community. Refers to this that is the basic social force in recharge international mobile man, which he also being together, can be civilized and thus become subject to some higher, typically social, goal.

A reference to a force

Later vitalise been reformulated several times, inter Asia, the French philosopher Henri 1859-1941. Therefore, when the sociological and philosophical context speaks of vital ism, has mainly manifested in human recharge api free actions which can not be explained, but just to be accepted.

Communities and their emergence As mentioned above, takes starting point and he believes that there is an identifiable underlying driving recharge google voice force in all human actions. This force he calls nuisance which in French means 'strength' or 'force'. He describes it as... the inherent energy and vital force of the people... a force which according is social.

It is the driving force that creates culture. The point is that the individual does not define himself as an individual, but the only define themselves as members of different communities. The mere fact that we consider ourselves linguistically, making it a social act.

Here puts is an extension of language philosophers such. The late Wittgenstein 1889-1951 who say recharge api free recharge google voice that we can not think reflexive and self-conscious thoughts without a language, a language can only arise in the context of social interaction between individuals. Put another way: You can not have a private language.

Further, to this, one can say that not talking about identity, but of identification. Thus, recharge api free the basic effect in the human being a social tendency and it is this propensity that creates culture. Before determination or qualification, there is this vital spontaneity a culture and Solidity.

Based on the approach considers nor that this social organization is something special for the post-modern era, since there is some general human tendencies. From this we must conclude that they are the same drivers that exist in communities on the Internet and in social software as a whole. We are aware that not everyone will agree to such a loosely defined concept of as the foundation for an entire theory.

Hesitate not to call the recharge api free of a mysterious force. Mysterious in the sense that it can registries and to some extent understood, but its origin and foundation can not be found or explained; like gravity exists and can be registered, but can not be explained.

It is in this context instead choose to view on this foundation as simply a statement of that man Empirical, forming communities; therefore assumed human urge to jointly as paragraphs ad recharge google voice hoc.

Whether one chooses to call this a ritualistic force or simply refers to practices change for us to see not that great. As perspective, we will refer to that in moral recharge api free philosophy and jurisprudence assumes human 'free will' as implicit premise of even being able to talk about whether a handling is done intentionally or unintentionally.

We use theory and annexation

The word tribe may not be one hundred percent consistent nationwide metaphor leads us not to owe the rest of theories out with the bathwater. Use the recharge google voice word tribe, with these reservations also his use of the word. Method We will briefly present method which we recharge api free the believe are necessary to the understanding of his concepts and their application.

Trying to create a meta-theory based on a rigorous theoretical apparatus. This is a phenomenological constructivist approach in which the narrative becomes part of what he describes. By this that it is not possible for the researcher to place themselves outside of the structures he intends to describe, in that the scientist recharge api free the will always recharge google voice be a part of these same structures.

Thus, one should flow to the phenomenal form and representation in the context in which they occur. Thus, rather than trying two fools ourselves into thinking we can seize, explain and exhaust an object, we must be content two describe sin shape, its movements, hesitations, accomplishments convulsions.

An example of this is the project aimed at identifying young activists' whereabouts in the project G13, which was a solidarity action for the Youth6 October 2007. The project was phenomenological constructivist because you let the young people themselves describe their behaviour and experiences rather than to embody observations of the same.

The idea was that anyone could access these data are examined create his own opinion, this was done since it took the full impact of the phenomenological constructivist approach to something as complicated as the youth movement around the Youth House. The project was in brief that participants in the demonstration could send SMS and MMS to editorial. SMS and MMS messages should contain mood reports and position of the event.

Then the cross placed on a map, so other participants and curious could follow how the demonstration developed. The concept is, besides being an example of a phenomenological constructivist approach, also an example of how to have the opportunity to avail themselves alive and innovative of recharge api free the new mobile habits.

That have occurred recharge api free especially among young people. This example from Furthermore, in addition to an example of thoughts about affective communities, a good example of how the new Web 2.0 technologies can be combined in countless ways, and thus constantly create new concepts to relate to.

All of it is based on the constructivist notion that the object can only be described in the context in which it occurs and therefore can not be adequately described. In addition, taking in his theory of basis, meaning that mechanisms and structures recharge api free he describes.

He can always be traced back to an recharge google voice underlying driving force. Vitalise is originally a biological theory that claims that all organic life is based on a unique life force can not be explained by physical and chemical laws.

He believes that all individualism

Ongoing in the review of we will only sporadic recharge indian mobile refer to our primary concept. Instead, we retrospectively only after we have established a comprehensive theoretical apparatus, argue for the application of the theory of in the development of location-specific communication and including O-live concept.

Communities in society Michel has written the book Time of the Tribes- the decline of individualism in mass society which deals with the way in which communities occurs and recharge api free manifests itself in society.

Here he argues that the typical description of the present, as individualism era, an assumption that has developed into a kind of universal belief that no questioning. This beliefs that one recharge indian mobile should do since manifests itself in communities. He sees society as a complex network of communities in which the individual is part of being a part of a number of these communities.

Therefore, he argues that individual identity is relational based. This means that individual identity is ultimately an expression of a social tendency. Identity is precisely linked to the recharge api free recognition of and solidarity with others.

The widespread misunderstanding about the present as individualism era, because according that communities have radically changed from the modern to the society. The modern communities were characterized by being founded. There were more or less overtly rational purpose to be a member.

You could call them interest-promoting. For example, one could say that if you were working they were involved in working communities which aimed to achieve benefits for members and as with other communities. Communities is that the modern, not arising out of their practical instrumental function.

Therefore, they are not rationally formulated. We will go deeper into recharge api free what is meant by the 'modern' and 'communities' later in the section on modernity. By contrast, the affective meaning to their members.

This particular type recharge indian mobile of communities call. As always when the method is the inclusion of an illustrative metaphor, one can discuss the strength of the metaphor in relation to recharge api free what it is trying to describe. Given that puts so much emphasis on the modern typically affectively defined, as opposed to modernity more communities of practice, one can wonder why he has chosen to use the word 'tribe'.

It is far from all that when they hear the word tribe begins to think about primarily affective communities. Historically, and in areas of the world where it still exists, the boot is very much been a recharge api free practical community, and therefore, the word for many people no connotation of community bound together by primarily affective and aesthetic interests.

We must make it clear that for us is not so much the word 'tribe' that makes us use theory so thorough, but because we share his view of how communities look like and what mechanisms typically operate them.

To characterize the social mechanisms

We believe that it is very essential to have recharge api free theoretical concepts to talk about this voluntarily to collaboration. This we will try to come up with a possible answer to the next chapter. We have now found out that there is a theoretical possibility that use of the information and the work that people leave recharge ku card in various digital network cooperation situations.

The important thing for us now is to determine what drives and motivates people to produce and participate in these networks. Summary We look to the mobile phone's nature does just the ideal to develop social software.

We will now look at how communities could arise on the basis of mobile social software would fit into our social order- what it is for some mechanism that moves modern people in communities

In this way, we hope to shed light on some mechanisms that lead people to spend time and money on some concepts are not obviously gives them a real recharge api free return. Chapter Communities In this section we will go deeper into the social structures which we cover in this project.

Try to put some descriptive theoretical concepts to those who can help to understand the context in which a mobile concept like ours, to be included in at the community level. Above we have dealt with both the physical, cultural and technological context for such a mobile concept.

We have also approached us an understanding of the forces of social software can release recharge ku card and what conditions that motivate them. But we have not yet fleshed out how we consider the social context in which modern IT concepts moving in. In addition, what motivates each user to work in social software with other users.

In this section we will go in depth with sociality and communities in post-modern society. We will examine what underlies the emergence of a community, and how a small community relate to the recharge api free larger context and how the individual relates to the communities it is involved in.

This we will then transfer our thoughts on the development of communication recharge api free network and to our concept of O-live for the testing of the same and see what social trends we can identify similar concepts.

Thus, we want that are at play, and then reflect on how these should be incorporated. Michel The French sociologist Michel has a recharge ku card number of interesting considerations on how to understand modern communities.

He uses the metaphor of 'tribe' as the basis for his theory of the new community structures he sees in post-modern society. It's a trend that he has chosen to call. We recharge api free will now review and reflection theory in relation to our study.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Have a striking resemblance

Here he tries to show how, in large groups of people is a very large knowledge resource, which under the right circumstances can be expressed. The recharge api free interesting part of this thesis is the nature of the circumstances and they to the character of the Smart Mob communities which Reinhold describes. The cites three conditions that must be met to release the wisdom of crowds.

The real key, it turns out, is not so much perfecting beset method, but satisfying diversity, independence, and decentralization- at a group needs some smart. The first criterion that must be met for you to speak about the wisdom of crowds, is about diversity. It's simply about the multiple bids being given to recharge airtel recharge api free prepaid solving a problem, the greater the chance that one of these bids is right.

He recharge airtel prepaid exemplifies this by the way bees find flowers nectar. This is done by a lot of bees fly out in different directions. Then they return home, and communicate how much recharge api free they have found.

Many bees follow them have taken much and fewer follow them there has been little. In this way exploit bees optimally the area they are in, without having a proper rational understanding of why, in addition to the overall intelligence and experience they possess. Although a group of people act the same, it does not mean that the individual is necessarily had the same motives as the others in the group.

Our reflection on why people act as they do in communities will be discussed in more detail in the section Michel. The next criterion deals with independence. This is important to ensure that any failure of a single individual is not going to undermine the group's overall judgment.

This may occur if, for example. A leader type makes a proposal that contains an error. If the other members of the group mimics proposal, his or her fault assumption be common to many responses.

Finally, the last criterion decentralization recharge api free which in fact also covers specialization. In a decentralized group recharge airtel prepaid is a greater chance that members are more specialized, making the group's collective knowledge far greater. The obvious example of decentralization forces does not provide is which is an on-line encyclopedia where all articles are written by the users.

This system utilizes recharge api free precisely that group members are specialized in relatively narrow subject areas. Are these three conditions met, it claims that the group will be wiser than even the smartest of the group. The argument is that everyone in the group possess a greater or lesser amount of information on a given topic.

If to be asked a question on this topic, all members of recharge api free the group, on condition that the three circumstances mentions in the quote are met, so to speak, put the specific information they have in the common pool.

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The result is thus the sum of everyone's knowledge. Of course it is not necessarily good, as would be expected that a proportion recharge api free of members are mistaken. The argument from is that errors will be levelled by the mistakes of others so that only the information is returned.

Each person's recharge api free guess, you might say, kill two components: Information recharge bsnl mobile and error. Subtract the error, and you're left with the information. The best way to explain the thinking is by one of the examples even used to argue for its claim.

The example is about a competition where a lot of people are asked to guess how many beans are in a large glass. Taking the average of recharge bsnl mobile all there is a high probability that the figure you get closer to the answer than the best individual guess. However, according to fail wisdom of crowds much more than simply guess the beans in a glass.

Wisdom is the search engine Googly. The way it sorts its results is based on how many sites link to pages that meet the search criteria. This means that a link from page A to page B can be considered as a vote on side B.

In addition to the more pages that link to page A, the more it weighs its voice. We have recharge bsnl mobile in the previous section examined the processes surrounding development in networking and studied how the product from such a network can be justified and validated. We will in the next section examine the circumstances that drive users to identify work that is not immediately personally return.

Taken from the German bog Who wants to work for free? If everyone, acting in gene interest, recharge api free rides, simply the public good is never created, or it is over consumed and goes away. UNLESS the number of individualism in a group is quite small, or UNLESS there is Coercion or I sin common interest, rational, self-interested will not act common or group interested. From the above quotes it seems counter-intuitive that social software is available.

As these just are based on pro bono volunteer work. In light of the widespread belief in liberalism and egoism in recharge api free the business world, you would think that the answer is clear. Of course this can not be possible that there will be a profit out of something that is not a clear quid pro relationship.

The idea that one can get people in the western world to do some pro bono are very distant for many. Nevertheless, large parts of the Internet developed by volunteers. What is the motivation to create articles? Most use as the to find information about things they know nothing recharge api free about.

But what makes some to write articles about something they know nothing about, without 'getting something for it'? An answer to this question must be found outside the individual selfishness and rationality.

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He also points to the mobile Internet will only make social characteristics even more, and that they recharge api free already exist in the mobile phone as we know it today. That is, in relatively simple technologies such. SMS and MMS.

Reinhold writes the following about the consequences of the aforementioned technologies: If mobile telephony and testing alone were the only agents of change, the world's cultures skull facing a major shift in norms, relationships, and social power. Communication in networks is interesting when we will examine specific location.

This recharge api free is because a network is a necessary premise for the creation of mutual recharge api free understanding through dialogue or through the use of the digital network.

We deal with Andrew Keen generally sceptical of the authenticity and usability of social software and user generated content. Furthermore, been criticized for being meaningless. Tim Ferris gave us such.

Statement recharge bsnl prepaid that are pointless emails on steroids. Therefore, we would like to examine how a common understanding and recognition can occur in the network, in digital media through user-generated content. We believe that the creation of common understanding in a will go through similar processes.

The following section comes recharge bsnl prepaid from the recharge api free need to act on recognition and networking, where we will review James concept Wisdom of the Crowds as an example of recognition through the network. Network-based recognition in collaboration technologies.

When Reinhold calls his book Smart Mobs he refers precisely to the social opportunities that already come with the mobile phone and with the development of technology will become even more dominant. The special feature of mobile technologies and some web technologies, according to Reinhold that they can be characterized as technologies.

The modern communication technologies make so users are able to recharge api free organize themselves, share knowledge, and act in a way that has not been possible for large groups before. The key to add, however, that what cooperation involved in technologies of cooperation a part, of complexity.

These are just some more extreme examples of how the mobile phone allows communication and organization among groups, including groups that otherwise would not have had the opportunity to come in contact with each other.

It is also examples of how the new use of the media can have a large impact force of society. Wisdom of crowds An interesting question, however, this opens, is what results coming out of these technologies of cooperation.

Now, when large groups on one or the other will be put in contact with each other, and everyone contributes, the result is so better than if they did it separately? James will unison with Reinhold respond to a clear yes to the above questions. The reasons for this answer he gives in recharge bsnl prepaid his book The Wisdom of Crowds- Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few.